About 12 years ago, an idea we wrote for a client meant observing our target audience non-judgementally and learning from their everyday (Creepy, and not).
Looking for actions they performed sub-consciously, every single day.
We then reinterpreted those ‘unseen’ moments into a film that crept into our viewers life, into their everyday moments reminding them of the thought, the film and the brand.
It turned out to be one of ORKUT’s most viral films (people would soon forward it to us many times!),
earning us and an old world client serious street-cred from a bunch of 20 somethings.
It was meant to teach us a new word – INSIGHT
CUT to today (we get to say that!)

With 8 sec attention spans, carousels of content and viewers who see through brand plugs before you can say ‘Skip Ad’,
90% of our clients come back to work with us.
We know one thing is still cutting through the clutter like hot knife, that pesky little thing
that raises its head when you least expect it;
Still hidden, in plain sight.

Performance. Humour. Beauty.

Harsha Prabhakar Rao

Graham Roberts


Will Lascelles

This company’s first commercial was the result of Asia’s first ASC cinematographer flying down at his own cost to shoot it for no fee. He would later reveal that the unconstrained story (bordering on the ridiculous) inspired him to do this for people he knew nothing about. The power of a story had just been revealed and insight had found a medium. As this power unfolded, we would witness clear shoot days in the middle of a cyclone, rain the moment we called to pack up, an ambitious shoot in peak summer in Rajasthan, and international crews that didn’t speak our language translate the story better than we could’ve imagined it.

Over a hundred films and many years later, as soon as we get a brief, you will see us scurry to our individual desks, soak in every word and let it create the greatest possibilities, moments, and images our minds are capable of, unconstrained. That’s perhaps why every wall and table in our office is ready for spontaneous combustion!

Should you drop in for a cup of coffee, expect a freshly ground espresso made of the finest Arabica and a team bigger than the people you see on this page working on a story, film, an app, or the next best way to change the world.




Partner / Executive Producer

An MBA in marketing & finance from XIMB. Worked as Brand Manager at Titan Company for 4 years managing a $30M portfolio. Her role as producer and brand consultant for clients helps give her a unique perspective on brand deliverables. Her extensive research experience brings unmatchable insights into consumer lifestyles and archetypes. If you spot a smooth set amidst the craziest of situations, Vrinda is to blame.


Admin / Accounts

14+ years of being with us, Manju is now synonymous with Black Picture Co. The yes man in our office, Manju, is a man who never sits down. The one name that the office walls are constantly echoing. With a contagious nervous energy, Manju is that trail of blur that you’ll find running on our sets. Owner of an amazing voice that is the most mimicked in office. But between 1500 - 1600hrs every day, the man goes missing. Help us solve the mystery if you can!

This journey would not be possible without the companions we found in our clients, creatives, technicians, gaffers, spot boys and each of the hundred people one sees on a set.

© Black Global Solutions LLP. All Rights Reserved.